
Step 1

Stitch two Candy Hearts per their instructions. Choose any two hearts you like – this example shows PK50002-06 ‘Cutie Pie’ and PK50002-01 ‘I Love You.’

Step 2

Create the apron skirt by cutting a rectangle approximately 37” x 17”. Overlock the four raw edges.

Step 3

Fold over the two side seams 5/8 inch.  Stitch in a contrasting thread ¼ inch from the fold with a double needle.

Step 4

Repeat Step 4 with the bottom seam.

Step 5

Create the waistband piece by mitering the two 5 x 40″ pieces together. Press the seam open.

Step 6

Press the long strip right sides together.  Stitch the raw edge the length of the strip with a ¼ inch seam allowance.

Step 7

Turn the strip right side out. 

Step 8

Fold the strip in half and center on top of the apron.  Starting in the center, topstitch 1/8th inch from the edge to the end of the strip.  Topstitch the remaining side, starting at the center. 

Step 9

Decide on your placement of the Candy Heart pockets. In this example, it was comfortable 5 inches down and 2 ½ inches from the center. Mark the Candy Hearts with a start and stop stitch mark.  Top stitch them onto the apron starting and ending at the curve.


We hope you enjoyed this machine embroidery tutorial! Have you stitched a Candy Heart Apron? Come show off your work in our private Facebook group, The Perfect Stitch!